E84: Creating Happy Kids with Karin Jakubowski


Raising kids is no joke. Raising happy ones, that’s a whole other bag! But if you’re a parent committed to doing everything in your power to make sure your children do grow up happy, there’s plenty of hope and help for you!

Karin Jakubowski is a well-respected international influencer on helping kids live happier, healthier lives. She has touched the lives of thousands of families in multiple states with her ability to connect and help kids experience success from challenging behaviors.

With a doctorate in educational leadership, and nearly 20 years of experience in education as a teacher, assistant principal and principal, she is highly regarded as an educational gamechanger.

Karin’s insights have been featured in various media outlets including The Washington Times.

As an empowerment coach, Karin Provides a framework for parents who feel helpless when their child is experiencing challenging problems at school or at home to experience the happy life they always dreamed of having through utilizing her revolutionary problem-solving approach.