E80: Light on the Other Side of Divorce with Dr. Cohen


For many, divorce can be one of the darkest times of your life.

Broken promises and broken families leave many wondering how to crawl out of the darkness.

The emotional effects of divorce are no joke, but there are ways to find light on the other side of it.
Dr. Cohen, a clinical psychologist, is the author of, Light on The Other Side of Divorce: Discovering the New You which debuted at #1 on Amazon in popular psychology.

Dr. Cohen received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Boston University. She was the recipient of the prestigious American Psychological Foundation Research Award for her research on the emotional effects of 9/11.

She has been featured on the Tamron Hall Show, the Wall Street Journal, NBC News, Women’s Health, Huff Post, Thrive Global, Daily Beast, and Good Housekeeping. Dr. Cohen is a weekly contributor to Psychology Today.

Listen to today’s episode to find light on the other side of divorce.