E74: Being a Kickass Stepmom with Jamie Scrimgeour


Move over insecure mindset about not fitting in as the stepmom!

It’s time for women everywhere to change the narrative about the role a stepmom plays. It certainly adds another layer to the family dynamic but it can also be approached from an empowered place. Being a kickass stepmom is 100% possible!

@Jamiescrimgeour is a wife, stepmom of three, mom of one. She’s a Life Coach with a Specialization in Stepfamily Dynamics, podcast host, and digital content creator.

When Jamie first became a stepmom, she was a 26-year-old, childless bachelorette, who accidentally fell in love with a single dad with three kids.

As a Child of Divorce and Child Protection Worker with a background in Psychology and Social Service Work, Jamie thought she knew what she was signing up for when she decided to marry a man with three kids and an ex.

One day, after having a complete breakdown on her bathroom floor, she decided to go to the internet for support. But her search came up short. Despite the overwhelming amount of resources for Moms, there was NOTHING for Stepmoms.

Or very little….She found a lot of b*tching, a lot of complaining, and a lot of negativity. Just no solid, solution-focused advice on how to manage it all. She didn’t know a lot about step-parenting, but knew one thing for sure: sitting around complaining about how difficult being a stepmom is, would not make being a stepmom any easier!

Listen to the full episode here and let us know your experience with being a step-parent.