E70: Finessing Your Finances with Karen Chellew & Catherine Shanahan

When someone brings up money during a divorce the room comes to a screeching halt! Money is not an easy topic to navigate, especially if you’re not the one in the relationship who handled the majority of the finances.
Karen Chellew and Catherine Shanahan are here to change that!
@karenchellew has spent her entire career in the legal field as a paralegal and is a passionate advocate for women. She navigated her way through divorce and knows firsthand how important it is to assemble the right team for you.
@catherine_shanahan became a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and trained mediator after 25 years in the financial industry and her own life experience with divorce. She and co-founder Karen Chellew created @mydivorcesolution to create a space for women experiencing divorce to be heard and have their financial portraits explained to them, in order to start moving forward with a plan.
Learn how to finesse your finances on today’s Happy Even After episode!
