E69: Doing Relationships Right with Jennifer Hurvitz


A divorce disaster does not equal certain doom for your future relationships! It can however, lend some lessons that make it easier to know what to look out for in the future and how to set yourself up for success.

Jennifer Hurvitz is a Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS™), public speaker, best-selling author, and host of the Doing Relationships Right Podcast. Jenn is known for her no-nonsense approach to all things relationships and is proud to say she’s made quite the career out of pretty disastrous circumstances… HER OWN DIVORCE.

Jen has been featured in O-Magazine where her book Woulda Coulda Shoulda: A Divorce Coach’s Guide To Staying Married was chosen as one of the best books to read with your partner for a healthy relationship!

This woman is fun, feisty and funny!

Tune into today’s Happy Even After episode to join in on the fun!
