E43: Blooming Post-Divorce with Deb Lauren

Divorce can do a number on many of us but if you approach the aftermath with compassion and mindfulness, you can BLOOM!

Break out the meditation cushion, pour yourself some nice tea, and get ready to ground into that juicy space your in your heart for some wisdom from @deblaurencoaching.

Deb is a mindfulness and meditation coach and a divorced mom of 2. She struggled through her divorce, depression, guilt, and all of the things that keep us stuck when life throws a plot twist our way. Now, she teaches a heart-centered approach to healing and is dedicated to helping women through their divorce.

In this episode, we talk about:

???? What it means to be heart-centered?

???? How Yoga Nidra can help in healing.

???? How subconscious thoughts create our reality

This is a high vibing, high-frequency interview so listen up and let’s switch up the conversations we are having with ourselves!

Pop in your earbuds and get ready for the good vibes on this one!

Guest Contact Info


Website: Deblaurencoaching.com