E120: Making Disruptor Decisions is the Key to Happiness with Georgette Pascale


Which would you choose: happiness or success? As leaders, we’re faced with the everyday battles where sometimes we can only choose between success (productivity, big business, scalability, wealth, etc) and happiness (time with family and loved ones, pursuing your passions, etc.). It seems impossible to have both of them.

In today’s episode, Georgette Pascale joins us to talk about how making disruptor decisions is the key to your happiness! Georgette has over 25 years of experience in PR, marketing, and communications. She launched her company, sold it, and then re-launched a brand new company entitled G, focusing on assisting entrepreneurs and small businesses in any industry to accomplish their goals.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Productivity versus how you’re working
  • How to be nimble and be authentic
  • Being hungry and humble at 50
  • Dealing with impostor syndrome
  • The difference between happiness and success
  • Being open to relationships

Episode Highlights:

[13:51] Achieving Productivity While Being Happy at the Same Time

When do you work best and how are you productive? There’s nothing wrong with focusing on achieving your goals or being productive, but you’ve got to also live in the moment and not worry so much about your 20-year plan. We need that – big businesses, scalability, etc. But we must also be nimble and be able to adjust to what’s happening now, so we don’t miss opportunities and we grow something authentic.

[17:42] Staying Hungry and Humble – No Matter the Age

After you do something for a while, you start to get good at it and you figure out the path. And so, when you’re a beginner at anything new, that can be really scary. But you can’t stay in your comfort zone, no matter your age. You’ve got to continue to find what sparks joy in your life and what continues to drive you.

[26:30] Happiness vs. Success

When you’re passionate about something, money will naturally come. And so, happiness trumps success  any time.

Resources Mentioned:


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